08 May 2007

narsis abissss

hari ini lagi males kerja. kemarin juga dink. trus kemarinnya lagi. halah! mungkin efek domino dari Billing. berasa abis dikuras tenaganya, jadi mo nyantai bentar. hehe...
kepikiran buat masang blogthings di blog. nyari-nyari apa yang mau dipasang, ehh... kok banyak yang lucu ya. cobain ahh.
What Flowers are you?
(tadinya aku berharap jawabannya adalah jasmine)
dan ternyata... U're Carnation
(yaaah... padahal liat carnation nyata aja belum pernah kayanya)
u're down to earth and grounded.
(ehem!! thank u)
u tend to be more traditional than trendy
(iya sih, aku ga suka model baju-baju trendy yang kaya kurang bahan itu)
ur confidence gets u through anything
(oya?! i wish!)
people trust u and 're very loyal to u
(wahh... terima kasih. semoga saja bener:p)
What color rose 're u?
(setelah menjawab beberapa pertanyaan)
u're a light pink rose
(ehmm... jadi inget mawar di rumah. kalo kata ibu, sejak aku kuliah sampe sekarang, kalo aku pas pulang, pasti ada aja mawar yang mekar. tapi, emang iya sih, pasti. meski kadang ngga bisa ngeliat mekar penuh)
U represent sweetness and grace
(wahh...makasih lo. gw emang manis sih. gubrakk!!)
falling in love with u is like falling in love with a best friend
(hahaha... masa sih? jadi, namanya menyempurnakan persahabatan ya? hehe...)
How jealous 're u?
(tadinya aku pikir jawabannya bakalan "jealous banget")
ternyata : 49% jealous
What does ur fav color say 'bout u?
(tentu aja pilihan fav color-nya : brown)
solid, stable, dependable, masculine, comforting, responsible, unwavering, mature, realistic
(wakakaka... gw bilang juga apa. coklat emang keren:)
Who's the true u?
u want ur boyfriend to be together with u always, no matter when or where
(jadi ga salah donk kalo aku terlalu sering ngabisin pulsa buat nelpon?:p)
with respect with money, u spend as little as possible
(as possible ya... pas beli jaket, engga possible:p)
the hidden side of ur personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort
(ya iyalah! semua orang kale!)
u're tend to think 'bout other's feelings a lot, PERHAPS b'cause u're eager to be liked
(wahh... fitnah nih. i never eager to be liked. makanya, perhatikan "perhaps"-nya". just perhaps:p)
when it comes to finding a romantic partner, u base ur search on information from ur friends
(hahahaa... tau aja:p)
What planet 're u from?
(asumsi: gw bukan anak bumi, tapi anak mami)
u're from the sun
(wooii... sejak kapan matahari masuk jajaran planet? setau ku, matahari itu bintang. apa udah ada temuan terbaru? ya sudahlah. anggap saja kali ini Mr. Sun lagi pengen jadi planet)
of all ur friends, u're shinning star
(whaww... iya deh, matahari boleh masuk kategori planet:p)
u're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight
(wahh... salah kayanya)
u're totally entertainer and the life of the party
(duuhh... aku salah jawab pertanyaan kali ya?)
watch out! the sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty
(stubborn? kok tau sih?:p)
overall, u're a great leader and great friends, the very best
(khihihi... kayanya bakalan ada yang gak terima:p)
ps: cuma iseng doank ya. kebetulan aja bisa mendukung kenarsisan gw. kalo ngga, mungkin mikir 2x buat diposting. hehe...

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